Last month, we asked Red Earth Brewers to help us plan the future of our organization. This survey was sent out via email and Facebook, and hard copies were distributed at the July meeting. We had a great response, and below are all the responses we got. (Those that received a clear majority are in bold.)
We will be discussing these results at the August meeting, so hope to see you there!
Q1. To this point, we have moved our meetings around from place to place. A couple of those places have worked well and could have potential for future meetings. However, we have to pay a nominal rental fee for those spaces. If we can’t find a regular location that will let us use the space for free:
We should have a regular location for our tastings, even if it means having to pay to rent the space. | 74% |
We should keep moving our meetings around, even if it means we have to pay some months. | 17% |
We should have the meeting wherever we can get it for free. | 9% |
Q2. If we can’t find a regular location that will let us use the space for free:
I support charging annual dues for all Red Earth members to pay for rental costs. | 57% |
I don’t want to pay annual dues, but I’m OK with charging a cover charge at tasting events to pay for the facility. | 43% |
Tasting events should be free, even if that means having irregular or less-than-ideal meeting places. | 0% |
Q3. If the club does eventually decide to charge dues to defray our costs, how much would you be willing to pay per year?
$25-$50 | 30% |
$15-$25 | 57% |
$10-$15 | 4% |
$5-$10 | 0% |
I would not join if I have to pay dues. | 9% |
Q4. To this point, we've generally had homebrew tastings every other month, with social events in the intervening months. Regarding the number of tastings:
We have too few tastings—we should have them every month! | 27% |
I like the current rotation of a tasting every other month with a social event in the off-months. | 68% |
We have tastings too often—we should only have them quarterly. | 5% |
Q5. At past tastings, we have let everyone vote on their favorite beer of the evening. That method seems to be popular and working well. However, some members have expressed interest in becoming better brewers “to style” and entering BJCP competitions. Regarding future tastings:
We should keep letting everyone vote for the “Best in Show”, but also have a panel of more experienced tasters rate all the beers according to the BJCP style guidelines to provide feedback to those brewers who want it. | 45% |
The panel mentioned above won't rate every beer, but anyone who wants their beers judged using BJCP standards can provide a couple extra bottles and have their beers judged. | 41% |
We shouldn’t worry about “to style” and only have a vote for favorite beer. | 14% |
Q6. At some meetings, we’ve had educational components (talks with professional brewers, discussions of brewing techniques, talks about certain styles and BJCP guidelines, etc.) Regarding this educational component:
I like having an educational component. It might help make me a better brewer. | 95% |
Skip the educational component. The meetings should be for tasting and socializing. | 5% |
Q7. I get my info about Red Earth Brewers and upcoming events from (check all that apply):
Emails from The Brew Shop | 77% |
Talking to Gail at The Brew Shop | 50% |
Facebook ( | 73% |
Twitter ( | 18% |
Red Earth blog ( | 27% |
Other | 4% |
Q8. We will continue posting Facebook, Twitter and blog updates periodically, but would you like to see us publish a periodic (probably quarterly) newsletter?
Yes | 82% |
No | 18% |