1. From Tony's super dry-hopped American stout to Wes' crazy sour cranberry stout to Scott's insanely imperial oil slick stout, there was an amzingly wide variety of beers brought to the meeting. Congratulations to Tony Tielli, who took first place in the stout tasting competition. His winning recipe (in all its fancy metric measurement glory) is below. Also, congratulations to Ross Harper and Daniel ??? (sorry I didn't catch your last name--please email me at redearthbrewers (at) gmail.com so I can update it with your correct name) who took 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
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Come to the Dark Side. |
1st place with 27.6% of the vote |
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2nd with 24.2% |
3rd with 19.5% |
3. Our next meeting, pending the weather and burn ban status, will be an outdoor social activity and bonfire at the Piedmont home of Scott Cragg. No specific beer to brew, but please bring some of your favorite homebrews or craft beers to share. More info and directions will be sent out shortly.
4. Our April meeting (April 21st, location TBA) will be a SMASH beer. For those who don't know (like myself until a few weeks ago), SMASH is short for Single MAlt, Single Hop. In other words, you're only allowed to use one type of grain or extract (that means no mini-mashes) and one hop variety. Beyond that, the only limit is your own imagination. It'll be a great way for everyone to really get to learn what flavor qualities a specific grain, hop or yeast brings to the table. And to make things more interesting, we may have a little competition where everybody can play "name that ingredient" and see who can identify the different things that went into everybody's beers.
5. If you're not already doing so, please be sure that you're following us on Facebook and Twitter. That's where we post most of our updates along with some other fun or interesting things we find.
Thanks again to everybody who made it out to last week's meeting. I can't wait for the next one. Happy brewing!
Tony's American Stout
BJCP Category 13E
Target OG : 1.080
Target FG : 1.022
ABV 7.69%
Batch Size: 6 Gallons (at the end of the boil)
Calculated at 70% efficiency.
75% (6.44kg) Pale Ale Malt
9% (800g) Chocolate Malt
5% (480g) Roasted Barley
5% (400g) Crystal 40L
2% (160g) Crystal 80L
4% (350g) White Table Sugar
33g Magnum (13.6%aa) - 60 minutes
20g Centennial (10.0%aa) - 10 minutes
20g Cascade (5.5%aa) - 10 minutes
30g Centennial (10.0%aa) - 1 minute
30g Cascade (5.5%aa) - 1 minute
30g Centennial (10.0%aa) - Dry Hop
20g Cascade (5.5%aa) - Dry Hop
White Labs WLP007 Dry English Ale (repitched slurry from previous batch)
Ferment at 65F until complete, dry hop for 7 days following fermentation.